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AOL User Pages were a feature offered by America Online (AOL), a major internet service provider, allowing users to create personalized webpages within the AOL platform. Introduced in the late 1990s, AOL User Pages enabled subscribers to design and publish their own content, including text, images, and links. These pages served as a means for users to express themselves creatively and share information with others within the AOL community. While popular during the early days of the internet, AOL User Pages eventually became less relevant as users migrated to other platforms and technologies for website creation and hosting.
Dates and URLs Covered
Examples of AOL User Pages
- OS X 10.4 PPC with Shiira 1.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Windows 98 RTM x86 with Web-O-Matic Digital Browser 3.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Solaris 2.6 SPARC with HotJava 1.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Amaya 5.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Windows XP Home x86 with Amaya 7.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Solaris 2.6 SPARC with HotJava 1.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Windows XP Home x86 with Amaya 6.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- OS X 10.1 PPC with Mozilla Suite 1.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with Shiira 1.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- OS X 10.2 PPC with Firebird 0.6 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- OS X 10.3 PPC with Mozilla Firefox 1.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- OS X 10.3 PPC with Safari 1.1 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with NCSA Mosaic 3.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Windows 98 RTM x86 with WebTV Viewer 1.1 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- OS X 10.3 PPC with Shiira 0.9.1 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- OS/2 Warp 4.52 x86 with Mozilla Firefox 2.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Mozilla Suite 0.6 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Netscape Navigator 4.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Fedora Core 5 x86 with Epiphany 1.9.8 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Opera 3.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- OS X Public Beta PPC with Microsoft Internet Explorer for Mac OS X Public Beta showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- OS X 10.3 PPC with Safari 1.1 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- OS/2 Warp 4.0 x86 with IBM WebExplorer 1.2 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Mac OS 9.0.4 PPC with Internet Explorer 5.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- OS X 10.2 PPC with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.2.3 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Mac OS 7 m68k with NCSA Mosaic 2.0 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- OS X 10.3 PPC with Safari 1.1 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Mac OS 9.0.4 PPC with Netscape Communicator 4.73 showing a page from 'AOL User Pages'
- Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Oracle PowerBrowser 1.5 showing a page from AOL User Pages
- Red Hat 9.0 with Galeon 1.2.7 showing AOL User Pages
- Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with 1X Net Browser 0.08 showing AOL User Pages
- Windows 95 RTM x86 with Spyglass Mosaic 2.11 showing AOL User Pages
- OS X 10.4 PPC with Shiira 1.0 showing AOL User Pages
- Mac OS 8 m68k with iCab 1.5 showing AOL User Pages
- Windows 95 RTM x86 with Spyglass Mosaic 2.11 showing AOL User Pages
- Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Opera 4.0 showing AOL User Pages
- Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Internet Explorer 5.0 showing AOL User Pages
- Windows 98 RTM x86 with BrownIE 3.0.3 showing AOL User Pages