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English Nature was a public body in the United Kingdom, established in 1990 to promote nature conservation across England. It was responsible for advising the government on matters related to wildlife, habitats, and natural landscapes. English Nature’s main functions included designating and managing Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), overseeing the protection of biodiversity, and supporting the sustainable management of England’s natural resources. The organization worked to implement conservation policies, conduct scientific research, and promote environmental education.

English Nature played a key role in maintaining the ecological health of protected areas and advising on environmental impacts of land use and development. It collaborated with other governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as local communities, to foster the preservation of species and ecosystems deemed important for biodiversity.

In 2006, English Nature was merged with the Countryside Agency and parts of the Rural Development Service to form Natural England, a new body created to provide a more integrated approach to environmental stewardship in England. This merger was part of a broader restructuring of environmental agencies, aiming to streamline services and improve coordination in the management of natural environments.

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