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Random Acts of Reality is a blog created by British paramedic Tom Reynolds in 2003. It provides firsthand accounts and insights into the experiences of emergency medical responders in the United Kingdom. Through anecdotal narratives and reflections, the blog offers readers a glimpse into the challenges and realities faced by paramedics in their day-to-day work.
Dates and URLs Covered
Examples of Random Acts of Reality
- Kubuntu 5.04 x86 with Lynx 2.8.5 showing a page from 'Random Acts of Reality'
- OS/2 Warp 4.52 x86 with Mozilla Firefox 2.0 showing a page from 'Random Acts of Reality'
- OS X 10.3 PPC with Opera 7.50 showing a page from 'Random Acts of Reality'
- Windows XP Home x86 with Mozilla SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from 'Random Acts of Reality'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from 'Random Acts of Reality'
- OS/2 Warp 4.52 x86 with Mozilla Firefox 1.0 showing a page from 'Random Acts of Reality'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with OmniWeb 5.5 showing a page from 'Random Acts of Reality'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with Shiira 1.0 showing a page from 'Random Acts of Reality'
- Windows XP Home x86 with Mozilla SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from 'Random Acts of Reality'
- Fedora Core 5 x86 with Mozilla Firefox 1.5.1 showing Random Acts of Reality
- Windows XP Home x86 with K-Meleon 1.0 showing Random Acts of Reality
- OS X 10.4 PPC with Mozilla Firefox 1.5 showing Random Acts of Reality