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The Operating System
Red Hat Linux 6.0 was initially released on the 26th April, 1999 with the 6.2 update arriving 3rd April 2000. Red Hat Linux 6.0 was an important release, incorporating the 2.1 release of the glibc library, the egcs fork of the gcc compiler, and the Linux 2.2 kernal. It was also the first release of Red Hat Linux to incorporate version 1 of the GNOME desktop environment.
The Web Browser
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Browser User Agent
When contacting webservers ‘Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14’ will identify itself as ‘Mozilla/5.0 (X11; N; Linux 2.2.14-5.0 i686; en-US) Mozilla/m14
Run Period
For ‘Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14’ Period Sites in Period Browsers is currently searching for pages archived between 2000-03-01 and 2000-09-01.
Emulation Platform
Hardware emulation for Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 is provided by the 86Box Project.
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Examples of Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 showing a page from 'Outpost Gallifrey'
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 showing a page from 'York Theatre Royal'
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 showing a page from 'Angelfire'
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 showing a page from 'fark'
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 showing a page from 'The Telegraph'
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 showing a page from 'Natural History Museum'
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 showing a page from 'North Yorkshire County Council'
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 showing a page from 'h2g2 - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Earth Edition'
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 showing a page from 'Low End Mac'
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 showing a page from 'University of York'
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 showing a page from 'The Onion'
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 showing a page from ''
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 showing a page from 'Winamp'
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 showing Radio Times
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 showing BBC News
- Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Mozilla M14 showing New York Times