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Previous - Windows 98 RTM x86 with BrownIE 3.0.3

The Operating System

Windows 98, released by Microsoft on May 15, 1998, marked an incremental advancement in the realm of personal computing. Inheriting its lineage from Windows 95, this operating system sought to refine its predecessor’s user interface and augment system stability, albeit with modest success. The introduction of the Internet Explorer 4.0 browser as an integrated component signaled Microsoft’s tentative embrace of the burgeoning World Wide Web. Noteworthy for its pioneering support of USB devices, Windows 98 endeavored to accommodate the evolving landscape of hardware connectivity. Despite these efforts, the operating system was not immune to the inherent quirks and inconsistencies that have become characteristic of Microsoft’s forays into software development.

The Web Browser

Grail was a multi-platform web browser written in Python which utilised the Tcl/Tk windowing toolkit. Primarily developed by Guido van Rossum at CNRI, one of it’s distinguishing features was the ability to run client-side Python code along with the more traditional client-side JavaScript code. The name ‘Grail’ is thought to come from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Grail 0.6 was released on April 1st, 1999 and this release marked the end of Grail development.

Browser User Agent

When contacting webservers ‘Windows 98 RTM x86 with Grail 0.6’ will identify itself as ‘Grail/0.6’.

Run Period

For ‘Windows 98 RTM x86 with Grail 0.6’ Period Sites in Period Browsers is currently searching for pages archived between 1999-04-01 and 1999-10-01.

Emulation Platform

Hardware emulation for this platform is currently provided by the QEMU Project.

Windows 98 RTM can be found at the WinWorld OS Library. The Grail Homepage can be found at Sourceforge and Grail 0.6 can be found in the Evolt Browser Collection. Grail is dependent on Python 1.5 and the TCL/TK windowing toolkit. A suitable installer can be found here.


Windows 98 RTM x86 with Grail 0.6

Examples of Windows 98 RTM x86 with Grail 0.6

Next - Windows 98 RTM x86 with HotJava 3.0