Windows 95 RTM x86 with Internet Explorer 1.0 displaying a page from Scan Computers archived at January 08, 1997 at 03:18:19

About The Page

Host and browser: Windows 95 RTM x86 with Internet Explorer 1.0
Page taken from: Scan Computers
Date page archived: January 08, 1997 at 03:18:19 (See more from 1997)

About The Connection

Browser User Agent: Microsoft Internet Explorer/4.40.308 (Windows 95)
Browser Accepts: */*, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/gif
Browser’s Preferred Languages: en
Browser’s Preferred Encoding or Compression Format: Windows 95 RTM x86 with Internet Explorer 1.0 does not provide a list of preferred encoding or compression formats.
Browser’s Preferred Character Sets: Windows 95 RTM x86 with Internet Explorer 1.0 does not provide a list of preferred text character sets.
Browser’s Preferred Keep-Alive Status: Windows 95 RTM x86 with Internet Explorer 1.0 does not provide a preferred keep-alive status.
Browser Provides a Referrer: Windows 95 RTM x86 with Internet Explorer 1.0 provides a refering URL when accessing resources.
Browser Provides a Host: Windows 95 RTM x86 with Internet Explorer 1.0 does not provide a URL Host when accessing resources.

Data Transferred

Windows 95 RTM x86 with Internet Explorer 1.0 successfully requested 5 objects to display this page.

Windows 95 RTM x86 with Internet Explorer 1.0 received a total of 24.50 KB of data to display this page. In 1997, a typical 28.8 kbit/s dial-up modem running at 80% of it’s maximum speed would have taken about 5.57 seconds to download this page.

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