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The Operating System
OS X 10.4, code-named “Tiger,” emerged as the fifth major release of Apple’s operating system for Macintosh computers in April 2005. Notable for its pragmatic features, Tiger introduced functionalities such as Spotlight, a file search mechanism aimed at facilitating efficient data retrieval. The inclusion of Dashboard brought forth a collection of widgets, offering quick access to various utilities. Safari, the default web browser, incorporated RSS support for simplified content aggregation. Alongside these additions, Tiger boasted improvements in accessibility features and enhanced support for 64-bit applications. The release also introduced Automator, a tool for creating automated tasks. Initially released for the PowerPC 32 and 64 bit lines of Apple Computers, later releases also included support for Apple’s post transition line of Intel-based computers.
The Web Browser
Mozilla SeaMonkey 1.0, released a the end of January 2006, was an open source continuation of the then defunct Mozilla Application Suite and formed the basis of Netscape 6.0 and 7.0.
Browser User Agent
When contacting webservers ‘OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0’ will identify itself as ‘Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060127 SeaMonkey/1.0
Run Period
For ‘OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0’ Period Sites in Period Browsers is currently searching for pages archived between 2006-01-30 and 2006-07-30.
Emulation Platform
Hardware emulation for this platform is currently provided by the QEMU Project.
OSX 10.4 can be found at Mozilla SeaMonkey 1.0 for OSX can be found in the Mozilla Archives.
Examples of OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from 'York Theatre Royal'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from 'A Softer World'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from 'Daring Fireball'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from 'Make Magazine'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from 'York Stories'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from 'York Press'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from 'XKCD'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from 'Penny Arcade'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from 'Random Acts of Reality'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from 'Winamp'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from 'The Yorkshire Post'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from 'Apple User Pages'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from 'The Guardian'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing a page from York Stories
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing Douglas Adams
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing Daring Fireball
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing Minster FM
- OS X 10.4 PPC with SeaMonkey 1.0 showing York Press