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Think Secret was a technology news website that operated from 1998 to 2008. Founded by Nick Ciarelli, the site focused on reporting rumors and leaks related to Apple Inc. and its products. Think Secret gained attention for its accurate predictions and inside information about upcoming Apple releases and developments. However, it also faced legal challenges from Apple, which sought to compel the disclosure of confidential sources. In 2007, Think Secret reached a settlement with Apple and subsequently ceased operations.
Dates and URLs Covered
Examples of Think Secret
- OS X 10.3 PPC with Safari 1.1 showing a page from 'Think Secret'
- Red Hat 8.0 with Mozilla Suite 1.0 showing a page from 'Think Secret'
- OS X 10.4 PPC with Opera 9.0 showing a page from 'Think Secret'
- Fedora Core 5 x86 with Mozilla Firefox 1.5.1 showing a page from 'Think Secret'
- OS X 10.0 PPC with Netscape 6.1 showing a page from 'Think Secret'
- Red Hat 9.0 with Galeon 1.2.7 showing a page from 'Think Secret'
- Windows XP Home x86 with Mozilla Firefox 1.0 showing a page from 'Think Secret'
- Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Internet Explorer 5.0 showing a page from 'Think Secret'
- Windows 98 SE x86 with NeoPlanet 5.0 showing a page from 'Think Secret'
- Red Hat Linux 7.0 with Netscape 6.0 showing Think Secret
- OS X 10.0 PPC with OmniWeb 4.0 showing Think Secret
- Red Hat 8.0 with Lynx 2.8.5 showing Think Secret
- Red Hat 8.0 with Opera 7.0 showing Think Secret
- Windows 98 SE x86 with NeoPlanet 2.1 showing Think Secret
- Think Secret on Windows XP Home x86 with Mozilla Firefox 1.5
- Think Secret on RISC OS 3.71 ARM with Acorn Browse 2.07
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Opera 7.50
- Think Secret on Kubuntu 5.04 x86 with Mozilla Suite 1.7.6
- Think Secret on Windows 98 SE x86 with WebTV Viewer 2.0
- Think Secret on Windows 98 SE x86 with AtomNet 1.09
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with Web-O-Matic Digital Browser 3.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Opera 3.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.0 PPC with Netscape 6.1
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Safari 1.1
- Think Secret on Kubuntu 5.04 x86 with Elinks 0.9.3
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 1.1
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with 1X Net Browser 0.08
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with OffByOne Web Browser 3.2
- Think Secret on Red Hat 8.0 with Opera 7.0
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with BrownIE 3.0.3
- Think Secret on Red Hat 8.0 with Opera 7.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.4 PPC with Safari 2.0
- Think Secret on Red Hat 8.0 with Mozilla Suite 1.0
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with HotJava 3.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Safari 1.1
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with Internet Explorer 2.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Mozilla Firefox 1.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.2 PPC with Firebird 0.6
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Netscape Navigator 3.0 Gold
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Mozilla Firefox 1.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Opera 3.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.1 PPC with Chimera 0.6
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with NCSA Mosaic 3.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.1 PPC with Mozilla Suite 1.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Netscape Navigator 3.0 Gold
- Think Secret on OS X 10.2 PPC with Firebird 0.6
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Opera 3.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with UdiWWW 1.2
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Omniweb 5.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Safari 1.1
- Think Secret on Red Hat 8.0 with Mozilla Suite 1.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Shiira 0.9.1
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 1.1
- Think Secret on RISC OS 3.71 ARM with Acorn Browse 2.07
- Think Secret on Windows 98 SE x86 with Internet Explorer 5.0
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on Windows 98 SE x86 with GrassHopper 1.0.6
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with OffByOne Web Browser 3.2
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Opera 4.0
- Think Secret on Mac OS 8.0 m68k Netscape Communicator Pro 4.03
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on Windows 98 SE x86 with NeoPlanet 5.0
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Mozilla Suite 0.6
- Think Secret on OS X 10.1 PPC with Mozilla Suite 1.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Shiira 0.9.1
- Think Secret on Red Hat 9.0 with Galeon 1.2.7
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 1.1
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Mozilla Firefox 1.0
- Think Secret on Mac OS 9.0.4 PPC with Netscape Communicator 4.73
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Netscape Navigator 4.0
- Think Secret on Red Hat 8.0 with Konqueror 3.0
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with OffByOne Web Browser 3.2
- Think Secret on Windows XP Home x86 with Internet Explorer 6.0
- Think Secret on RISC OS 3.71 ARM with Acorn Browse 2.07
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with HotJava 3.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Mozilla Firefox 1.0
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Netscape 6.0
- Think Secret on Kubuntu 5.04 x86 with Lynx 2.8.5
- Think Secret on Solaris 7 SPARC with Internet Explorer 5.0 for UNIX
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Opera 4.0
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with HotJava 3.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Opera 2.12
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with NCSA Mosaic 3.0
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on Red Hat 8.0 with Konqueror 3.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.0 PPC with OmniWeb 4.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.0 PPC with Netscape 6.1
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with Web-O-Matic Digital Browser 3.0
- Think Secret on Red Hat 8.0 with Konqueror 3.0
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with Netscape Communicator 4.03
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with Netscape Communicator 4.03
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Netscape 6.0
- Think Secret on Windows 98 SE x86 with Internet Explorer 5.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 2.0
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Opera 4.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 1.1
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Opera 2.12
- Think Secret on OS X 10.4 PPC with Mozilla Firefox 1.5
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with 1X Net Browser 0.08
- Think Secret on Mac OS 9.0.4 PPC with Internet Explorer 5.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with 1X Net Browser 0.08
- Think Secret on Windows 98 SE x86 with GrassHopper 1.0.6
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 1.1
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with 1X Net Browser 0.08
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Opera 2.12
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 4.5
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Opera 3.0
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Mozilla Suite 0.6
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 4.5
- Think Secret on Red Hat 8.0 with Konqueror 3.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.4 PPC with Safari 2.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.0 PPC with Netscape 6.1
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Opera 4.0
- Think Secret on Windows 98 SE x86 with AtomNet 1.09
- Think Secret on OS X 10.4 PPC with Mozilla Firefox 1.5
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 4.5
- Think Secret on Kubuntu 5.04 x86 with Elinks 0.9.3
- Think Secret on OS X 10.4 PPC with Mozilla Firefox 1.5
- Think Secret on OS X 10.4 PPC with Mozilla Firefox 1.5
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with OffByOne Web Browser 3.2
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with Netscape Communicator 4.03
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Mozilla Suite 0.6
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with 1X Net Browser 0.08
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with Internet Plus 1.10
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 4.5
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with Internet Plus 1.10
- Think Secret on Red Hat 9.0 with Galeon 1.2.7
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Omniweb 5.0
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 4.5
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 1.1
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Opera 3.0
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Mozilla Suite 0.6
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with HotJava 3.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.4 PPC with Mozilla Firefox 1.5
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 2.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with Internet Explorer 4.0
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.2 PPC with Netscape 7.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.0 PPC with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1 for Mac Preview
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Opera 3.0
- Think Secret on Ubuntu 4.10 x86 with Mozilla Firefox 0.9.3
- Think Secret on Kubuntu 5.04 x86 with Elinks 0.9.3
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 4.5
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Mozilla Suite 0.6
- Think Secret on OS X 10.1 PPC with Chimera 0.6
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 2.0
- Think Secret on Red Hat 8.0 with Mozilla Suite 1.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 1.1
- Think Secret on Mac OS 9.0.4 PPC with Internet Explorer 5.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.0 PPC with Netscape 6.1
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Netscape 6.0
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with Internet Explorer 4.0 for UNIX
- Think Secret on Red Hat 9.0 with Galeon 1.2.7
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 4.5
- Think Secret on Mac OS 9.0.4 PPC with Internet Explorer 5.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 1.1
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with HotJava 3.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.4 PPC with Mozilla Firefox 1.5
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Mozilla Firefox 1.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.0 PPC with OmniWeb 4.0
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with Internet Explorer 4.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.0 PPC with OmniWeb 4.0
- Think Secret on Ubuntu 4.10 x86 with Mozilla Firefox 0.9.3
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Safari 1.1
- Think Secret on OS X 10.2 PPC with Firebird 0.6
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Netscape Navigator 3.0 Gold
- Think Secret on Ubuntu 4.10 x86 with Mozilla Firefox 0.9.3
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on Red Hat 9.0 with Galeon 1.2.7
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.1 PPC with Chimera 0.6
- Think Secret on Windows 98 RTM x86 with Internet Explorer 4.0
- Think Secret on Ubuntu 4.10 x86 with Mozilla Firefox 0.9.3
- Think Secret on OS X 10.4 PPC with Safari 2.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Safari 1.1
- Think Secret on Ubuntu 4.10 x86 with Mozilla Firefox 0.9.3
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Safari 1.1
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Opera 2.12
- Think Secret on OS X 10.0 PPC with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1 for Mac Preview
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Safari 1.1
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Opera 2.12
- Think Secret on OS X 10.1 PPC with Chimera 0.6
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.4 PPC with Safari 2.0
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 1.1
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Netscape Navigator 3.0 Gold
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 1.1
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 1.1
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Netscape Navigator 3.0 Gold
- Think Secret on OS X 10.0 PPC with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1 for Mac Preview
- Think Secret on Windows 95 RTM x86 with Netscape Navigator 1.1
- Think Secret on OS X 10.3 PPC with Safari 1.1
- Think Secret on Ubuntu 4.10 x86 with Mozilla Firefox 0.9.3
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on Ubuntu 4.10 x86 with Mozilla Firefox 0.9.3
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Mozilla Suite 0.6
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Mozilla Suite 0.6
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on OS X 10.0 PPC with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1 for Mac Preview
- Think Secret on Solaris 2.6 SPARC with HotJava 1.0
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Mozilla Suite 0.6
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Netscape Navigator 3.0 Gold
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Netscape Navigator 3.0 Gold
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Mozilla Suite 0.6
- Think Secret on OS X 10.0 PPC with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1 for Mac Preview
- Think Secret on Mac OS 9.0.4 PPC with Netscape Communicator 4.73
- Think Secret on OS X 10.0 PPC with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1 for Mac Preview
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
- Think Secret on Windows 2000 Pro x86 with Mozilla Suite 0.6
- Think Secret on OS X 10.0 PPC with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1 for Mac Preview
- Think Secret on Windows 95 OSR2 x86 with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0
- Think Secret on Ubuntu 4.10 x86 with Mozilla Firefox 0.9.3